In Case of Accident

If you've been in a collision, your first course of action is to ensure your safety and the safety of any others who may have been involved. When it's safe, move your vehicle over to the right side of the road, so that other traffic can pass.

The next step is to exchange information with the other party (or parties). Use the accident report form as a guide for all the information you'll need for your report. Then, report the collision to us as promptly as you can.

Even if you have no damage from the collision, you should still report to our Collision Centre at Crown Auto Group. To understand fully how the collision happened and to assess it properly, we need reports from all the drivers involved.

Call us to report a claim:

In Winnipeg: 204-985-7000
Outside Winnipeg and out-of-province (toll-free): 1-800-665-2410
Telephone line is open:
Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sunday: Closed


For a commercial emergency, outside of regular hours, call the above number and select "2" to reach our after-hours commercial response team.